heteroatom rearrangements on nitrogen

heteroatom rearrangements on nitrogen
Макаров: (HERON rearrangements) гетероатомные перегруппировки на атоме азота

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "heteroatom rearrangements on nitrogen" в других словарях:

  • Neighbouring group participation — or NGP in organic chemistry has been defined by IUPAC as the interaction of a reaction centre with a lone pair of electrons in an atom or the electrons present in a sigma bond or pi bond [1]. When NGP is in operation it is normal for the reaction …   Wikipedia

  • Nazarov cyclization reaction — The Nazarov cyclization reaction (often referred to as simply the Nazarov cyclization) is a chemical reaction used in organic chemistry for the synthesis of cyclopentenones. The reaction is typically divided into classical and modern variants,… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical reaction — Chemical reactions redirects here. For the 2007 television episode, see Chemical Reactions (Men in Trees). A thermite reaction using iron(III) oxide. The sparks …   Wikipedia

  • Organic reaction — Organic reactions are chemical reactions involving organic compounds.[1] The basic organic chemistry reaction types are addition reactions, elimination reactions, substitution reactions, pericyclic reactions, rearrangement reactions,… …   Wikipedia

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